As AI tools like ChatGPT continue to evolve, The Center for Teaching and Learning is committed to offering resources that will help navigate the ways these technologies impact our work inside and outside the classroom.

AI Resources:

AI-U 1.0 Fall 2024
A student guide to navigating college in the artificial intelligence era

Access the Writing Center resource page here

Click here for Information about AI syllabus statements

View AI related presentations:

Using ChatGPT in the Classroom-
As part of our ongoing programming around advances in Generative AI, CTL and Digital Learning and Scholarship awarded several faculty premium ChatGPT subscriptions for an experimental pilot program. Faculty used the platform to develop activities, create new assignments, and explore other pedagogical uses for this tool. Join us as our faculty colleagues share their insights and recommendations during a panel discussion about their exploratory experience.
Click here to view the discussion that took place February 29, 2024

ChatGPT: What’s All the Buzz?
AI is here. What does that mean for us?Do we embrace it or block it?
Click here to view the recorded session that took place February 28, 2023